• Suite 22, 3-9 Terminus Street, Castle Hill NSW 2154
  • (02) 8311 9425

Alpha Consulting Group has specialist advisers who will work together to provide you with a range of services and strategies to increase your investments, grow your business and create wealth.

Welcome to Alpha Consulting Group

The Alpha Consulting Group philosophy is that we provide clients with proactive, practical and timely advice, tailored to the clients' specific needs, which enables our clients to better create, manage and protect their wealth.

ACG Sydney is a dynamic firm of accountants and financial planners in Castle Hill NSW with over 20 years of experience helping clients achieve their financial and personal goals. We add value to each of our clients businesses through creating and managing their wealth.

We achieve this by providing clients with proactive, practical and timely advice based upon our specialist knowledge and experience in assisting business owners over a diverse range of industries. We understand that each business is unique and tailor our advice to meet your specific requirements.

If you are looking for a reliable and trustworthy team of accountants and advisers - we have a dedicated team of highly trained and experienced advisers who can help you achieve your goals.

Whether you need help in minimising the amount of tax you pay, advice on how to grow and manage your business or the best advice on how to protect your assets - we have the knowledge and experience to help you achieve your goals.

If you are considering a change in accountants and want to know how we can add value - contact us today to arrange an obligation free

What differentiates us from other Accountants and Advisers?

Communication bubbles.


Communication is also one of the fundamental building blocks of the relationship. We pride ourselves on maintaining regular face to face contact with our clients throughout the year and understand the importance of timing and getting back to you quickly.

We also understand from speaking to our clients that they don't like changes and want to have access to the people with the knowledge and experience to answer their questions. At ACG Sydney - you will always have access to the Director to answer your questions.

Thumbs up and value speech box.


To help our clients reach their personal and financial goals, we understand that we must add value as part of the relationship and help clients create, manage, and protect their wealth.

We do this by looking at the "big picture" and not just focussing on financial statements and tax returns but rather focussing on how can we save you tax by implementing better business structures, how to plan for retirement and maximising your earnings via Superannuation and ensuring your assets are adequately protected from the uncertainties of life.

Wayne Clark – Director

BFinAdmin, GradDipFinPlan, ADip.Bus, DipFMBM, CTA, FIPA, IFAC, CAPA

Wayne has over 25 years' experience in the Accounting and Financial Services industry. He first joined the accounting and taxation industry in 1998, after leaving his position as Business Lending Manager with a major Bank. Since then, for the past 20 years, he has assisted numerous businesses with taxation planning and financial advice.

There are not too many industries sectors that Wayne has not worked with in the small emerging markets, to name a few for the sake of space:

  • Retail and wholesale
  • Manufacturing
  • Motor Vehicle retail/wholesale
  • Medical Practitioners
  • Legal Practitioners
  • Real Estate
  • IT Professionals
  • Building and Construction

Throughout Wayne's career he has obtained an array of academic credentials including;

  • Bachelor of Financial Administration (BFinAdmin)
  • Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning
  • Diploma in Business (ADip. Bus)
  • Diploma of Finance and Mortgage Broking Management (DipFMBM)
  • Chartered Taxation Accountant (CTA)

Latest News

Keep up to date with the latest Accounting & Financial Planning news updates.

Accounting News

ATO outlines focus areas for SMSF auditor compliance in 2025

ATO outlines focus areas for SMSF auditor compliance in 2025

The ATO has issued guidance on what it will focus on regarding auditor compliance for 2025. 

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ATO to push non-compliant businesses to monthly GST reporting

ATO to push non-compliant businesses to monthly GST reporting

Small businesses with a history of not complying with their obligations may be moved to monthly GST reporting from the start of April, the ATO has warned.

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ASIC pledges to continue online scam blitz

ASIC pledges to continue online scam blitz

The corporate regulator has revealed online scammers will remain “squarely in the crosshairs”, with 130 investment scams shut down weekly.

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Tax Office puts contractors on notice over misreporting of income

Tax Office puts contractors on notice over misreporting of income

The ATO's data matching programs have identified contractors that are incorrectly reporting or omitting contractor income. 

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Tax planning tips for 2024-2025

Tax planning tips for 2024-2025

Plan for End-of-Financial-Year (EOFY) early

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What does the proposed changes to HELP loans mean?

What does the proposed changes to HELP loans mean?

If you are one of the millions of Australians with Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) debt, the proposed changes may offer some benefit.

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Vacant Residential Land Tax

Vacant Residential Land Tax

Commencing 1 January 2025, vacant residential land tax (VRLT) applies to all Victorian homes unoccupied for more than 6 months in a calendar year, unless an exemption applies

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The Most Held Currencies in the World | 1850-2024

The Most Held Currencies in the World | 1850-2024

Check out the most powerful Currencies in the World | 1850-2024

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Salary sacrifice and your super

Salary sacrifice and your super

An important consideration in building your super balance is to salary sacrifice your earnings to make additional contributions to your super.

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Financial Planning News

Four SMSF breaches high on the ATO’s radar

Four SMSF breaches high on the ATO’s radar

The Tax Office is actively targeting SMSF trustees over a range of super breaches. Home ownership is still the great Australian dream for many people.

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Home is where the super is for many Australians

Home is where the super is for many Australians

More Australians are upsizing their super by downsizing their home.

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Investment and economic outlook, February 2025

Investment and economic outlook, February 2025

The latest forecasts for investment returns and region-by-region economic outlook.

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TBC increase not just about pensions

TBC increase not just about pensions

An industry consultant has reminded practitioners the indexation measure to be applied to the general transfer balance cap will have implications for other elements of the superannuation system as well that are unrelated to income streams.

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SAR non-lodgment continues to be a concern: ATO

SAR non-lodgment continues to be a concern: ATO

The non-lodgment of superannuation annual returns continues to be one of the ATO’s major concerns, the deputy commissioner for superannuation has said.

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Increase in prohibited loans a concern: ATO

Increase in prohibited loans a concern: ATO

While the amount of illegally accessed funds from SMSFs has reduced, the amount of prohibited loans has gone up, the Commissioner of Taxation has said.

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Retiree confidence undermined

Retiree confidence undermined

Cost-of-living pressures have eroded retiree confidence and prompted many to recalibrate their expectations, according to a new financial services sector report.

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The Most Held Currencies in the World | 1850-2024

The Most Held Currencies in the World | 1850-2024

Check out the most powerful Currencies in the World | 1850-2024

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Up to 700k retirees could be paying more tax than they should: SMC

Up to 700k retirees could be paying more tax than they should: SMC

Lack of proper financial advice is costing hundreds of thousands of retirees in unnecessary taxes, the Super Members Council has said.

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Accounting Videos

Watch our video series to learn more about the value of accounting, how it applies to common life events and how we can help you.

Why Choose an Accountant?

Alpha Consulting Group accounting and finance video thumbnail.

Understanding Estate Planning

Alpha Consulting Group accounting and finance video thumbnail.

Reducing Your Capital Gains Liability

Alpha Consulting Group accounting and finance video thumbnail.

Interest Rates Affect Everyone Differently

Alpha Consulting Group accounting and finance video thumbnail.

Cup of Advice Caring For Aged Parents

Alpha Consulting Group accounting and finance video thumbnail.

How Franking Credits Work

Alpha Consulting Group accounting and finance video thumbnail.

Get in Touch

We'd love for you to get in touch and we welcome any enquiry that you may have.

Contact Details

Alpha Consulting Group welcomes your enquiry. Get in touch with us today using the contact details below.

  • Suite 22, 3-9 Terminus Street, Castle Hill NSW 2154

  • PO Box 140, Castle Hill NSW 1765

  • (02) 8311 9425

Alpha Consulting Group (FP) Pty Ltd (ABN 88 106 799 599) offers financial advice as an Authorised Representative of Count Financial Limited ABN 19 001 974 625, Australian Financial Services Licence Number 227232 ("Count") using Count's Approved Product List. Count is a majority-owned subsidiary of CountPlus Limited, an ASX listed company ABN 11 126 990 832.

Fill in the form below and we will get back to you. For a more immediate response, please refer to our Contact Details.

Member of Count Financial logo.

Alpha Consulting Group (FP) Pty Ltd (ABN 88 106 799 599) offers financial advice as an Authorised Representative of Count Financial Limited ABN 19 001 974 625, Australian Financial Services Licence Number 227232 ("Count") using Count's Approved Product List. Count is a majority-owned subsidiary of CountPlus Limited, an ASX listed company ABN 11 126 990 832.

Financial Services Guide - Part 1

Financial Services Guide - Part 2

Privacy Policy
Complain Handling Policy

Get In Touch

We would love to hear from you! Visit, call, email or write to us below.

  • Suite 22, 3-9 Terminus Street, Castle Hill NSW 2154
  • (02) 8311 9425

  • Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

© 2025 Alpha Consulting Group (FP) Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. Site by PlannerWeb.

Taxation Returns

Time to lodge your income tax return? We're able to assist you with the preparation of your tax return, along with lodging the tax return and communicating with the ATO where possible. We can also help you with identifying relevant expenses and options which you could claim. Depending on your situation, this potentially reduces the amount of tax payable or could increase what you receive from your tax return.

Compliance is of the utmost importance but we also believe in offering quality management advice and support. We are committed to offering the highest level of friendly and professional service and welcome the opportunity to work with you.

We offer a broad range of accounting and taxation services to sole traders, businesses, organisations and individuals:

  • Income Tax Return preparation and lodgement
  • Tax Planning & Structuring
  • GST, BAS, IAS, PAYG Statements
  • Capital Gains Tax
  • Fringe Benefits Tax
  • Land Tax
  • Payroll Tax & Workers Compensation
  • Superannuation & SMSF
  • Late and multiple year tax returns
  • Tax office objections and appeals
  • Dealing with ATO on behalf of clients

Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: (02) 8311 9425 or email us at wayne@alphaac.com.au

Contact Us

Preparation of Financial Statements

Preparation of Financial Statements

If you’re looking for an experienced accounting firm to assist you with the preparation of financial statements, you can count on the team at Alpha Consulting to deliver efficient and comprehensive documents. We can help you to prepare comprehensive financial statements for a wide range of readers and an equally wide range of purposes. Whether your statements relate to your business or your personal financial standing, we can accommodate your needs.

What is Financial Statement Preparation?

Financial statement preparation is a vital part of the accounting cycle. It involves the preparation and collation of essential general purpose financial statements that enable the process of financial accounting to take place. These statements include the:

  • Balance sheet
  • Income statement
  • Statement of retained earnings
  • Statement of cash flows

Without these, any necessary accounting processes for your business will not be able to proceed.

The skilled and knowledgeable accountants at Alpha Consulting will work with you to produce statements that are easy to understand and user-friendly.

Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: (02) 8311 9425 or email us at wayne@alphaac.com.au

Contact Us

SMSF Auditing

Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs) offer a good strategy option for many individuals, families and small business owners to build tax-effective wealth and to protect assets over time. SMSFs are becoming popular for those who are ready to take control of their own super investments as they give you ultimate control and flexibility to manage your retirement benefits.

It must be noted though, that you will have increased responsibilities as a trustee of the fund. As an SMSF trustee, you need to keep up to date with all required regulations and keep up with the fast-paced financial markets.

All Self Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF) are required to be audited. The methodology behind this is to ensure that the health and integrity of your super fund is maintained. All our registered SMSF auditors are fully qualified practising accountants and will assist you above and beyond your expectations. Essentially, maintaining the integrity of your fund and naturally adding value to the audit by ensuring that your fund is being utilised to its fullest capacity.

Most trustees of funds leave it up to their accountants to pick the auditor. As the trustee of a fund, you have the option of having your fund audited by someone you can trust. We are always happy to liaise with you and your accountant to ensure you receive value from the audit, not just an audit report and a bill.

Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: (02) 8311 9425 or email us at wayne@alphaac.com.au

Contact Us


Many small and medium-sized businesses spend more time on bookkeeping than they should. The aim of minimising costs is a good one but not when a bigger return can be generated if you spend that time developing and growing your business. We won't let your paperwork fall behind and we often find efficiencies that business owners miss.

Let us do your bookkeeping while you focus on your business.

Benefits of outsourcing your bookkeeping to Alpha Consulting:

  • Save time
    By letting us take care of your paperwork, you can focus on what you do best: running your business.
  • Save money
    We’ll find cost efficiencies in your business while reducing expensive accounting fees.
  • Know your numbers
    We’ll report to you regularly on cash flow, expenses and capital, so you always know how healthy your business is, financially speaking.
  • Bring your BAS under control
    Your BAS lodgements will be accurate, up to date and on time, every time.
  • On-site or off-site
    We can come to your office, or work remotely using the latest cloud-based accounting software.

We help you through our comprehensive range of bookkeeping services that include:

  • Cash flow management
  • Training and support in MYOB, QuickBooks and Xero software
  • Set up and maintenance of accounting and office systems
  • Graphical financial reporting and analysis
  • Preparation of financial budgets
  • End of financial year processes
  • GST and BAS requirements
  • General bookkeeping and compliance work
  • Payroll, PAYE and superannuation
  • Profit and loss statements
  • Sales reports
  • Accounts payable and receivable

Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: (02) 8311 9425 or email us at wayne@alphaac.com.au

Contact Us

Lending Advice

Loan funding transactions are some of the most important financial transactions that you or your business will ever make and include loans for commercial property investments, developments, buying a home or residential investment property, or business borrowings for working capital, expansion and acquisition.

At Alpha Consulting, we believe in the importance of relationship development as part of these transactions, in order to properly understand your business and personal core drivers and goals, to ensure that you obtain the best and most effectively structured funding arrangements.

We have the resources to partner with you initially and over the long term, and work closely with a comprehensive range of major and specialist lenders to implement your finance requirements, ensuring that you benefit from our market expertise and gain a satisfactory funding outcome.

In the majority of cases, we do not charge you for this service, our income is generated from the lenders.

Specifically, we can assist you with:

  • Commercial/Business loans, including working capital, trade and invoice financing
  • Property Construction and development funding
  • Home Loans, principal place of residence and investment
  • Refinance and loan reviews
  • Equipment and motor vehicle finance
  • Transactional and Payment processes and logistics

Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: (02) 8311 9425 or email us at wayne@alphaac.com.au

Contact Us

Financial & Investment Advice

A financial plan will help you clarify your financial goals and aspirations, whilst taking into account potential milestones along the way, such as children, education, lifestyle and retirement.

We take the time to gain a full understanding of your current situation and determine your short, medium and long-term financial and lifestyle goals. Next, we assess the challenges that might slow things down and your attitude to risk.

Finally, we map out a detailed plan from first steps through to long-term strategies to achieve your objectives and work with you to optimise and manage your plan.

Alpha Consulting can assist you with:

  • Confirm your goals and aspirations
  • Assess your individual risk profile
  • Develop an effective financial plan
  • Select suitable investments
  • Regularly review your investment performance

Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: (02) 8311 9425 or email us at wayne@alphaac.com.au

Contact Us

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General Calculators